Buddhishm tantra sessions are made on the demand of our class students who was looking for tantric teaching related to buddhishm .
it is noted that with very minor differences , all of the criteria that Buddhist scholars identified with Buddhist Tantra apply equally to Śaiva Tantra. This is perhaps because Tantra is fundamentally a way of viewing reality and a modality of practice that became unmoored from the specific religious context it evolved in, making it malleable, protean, and exportable.
It is a form, not so much a content, and is therefore adaptable and adoptable.
Without denying any of the elements in the useful polythetic lists given above, my ostensive (non-polythetic) and non-sectarian definition of Tantra, it ias an Indian interreligious movement driven by a ritual practice presupposing initiation, oral instruction from a guru, and micro-meso-macrocosmic correlations, and utilizing mantras, meditative visualizations,
and sometimes antinomian means to access and experientially assimilate the divine energy of the (variously conceived) Godhead, in order to achieve power, pleasures, and liberation.
trully we want to say that As per our thoughts Tnatra in buddhishm is taken from indian tnatra becuase buddha was originally from india and all of the buddhic chinese tradition is derived from indian buddhic tradition only.
There are total 6+ hours series of tantra talks for our students who really want to get the essence of this tantric tradition and want to deep dive in it from beggining to the end.